Secoya - Associação Serviço e Cooperação com o Povo Yanomami is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that has been working since 1991 with the Yanomami People of the Middle Rio Negro, in the state of Amazonas, through actions in the fields of Differentiated School Education, in Health, Political and Technical Training, in addition to Support for the organizational process.
Secoya's work is based on interculturality in which it recognizes the need to act in a perspective to reduce the damage caused by the asymmetry of power of the 'napë world' (non-Yanomami, foreign) in relation to indigenous cultures.
Secoya works intensively in the field of public policies with the aim of favoring Yanomami leadership and the defense of their rights.

Carry out an indigenist action that recognizes indigenous protagonism and their own advisory and solidary role, inferring the local reality and collaborating with the Yanomami people in the defense of their rights, well-being and improvement of living conditions through Yanomami governance through autonomous management , sustainable and qualitative of its territory.
Develop actions in the field from demands articulated with the Yanomami people aiming at better living conditions;
Fight and defend the rights and interests of the Yanomami people guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and the Ordinary Legislation;
Contribute in a solidary and long-term way with the Yanomami people in their process of sustainable and qualitative governance and management of their territory;
To favor articulations of the Yanomami People with the Amazonian indigenous movement and other social movements.

Secoya's indigenist work is characterized because it is long-term, especially when dealing with social issues such as: Differentiated School Education, Health Education, Training processes and training of Yanomami Intercultural Multipliers, all aimed at improving well-being, well-being living and being Yanomami.
The activities developed with the Yanomami population directly in the xapono promote the appreciation of the Yanomami culture and traditional knowledge, the introduction of new knowledge necessary in the relationship with the world of the napë (non-indigenous), and especially dynamics that show self-esteem and protagonism. Yanomami.

Indigenous School Education Council of the State of Amazonas, seeking to contribute to the process of building a differentiated, bilingual and intercultural education for the indigenous peoples of the State;
District Council of the Yanomami and Ye'kuana Special Sanitary District, contributing to the construction of a differentiated, public health focused on quality care based on prevention, on the citizen participation of the Yanomami and on the valorization of traditional health;
Amazonas Indigenous School Education Forum – FOREEIA;
Network of Articulation for Coexistence in the Amazon-Arca, in debates for another Amazon, valuing traditional knowledge and the “good living” of indigenous peoples;
Amazon Front for Mobilization in Defense of Indigenous Rights-Famddi, joining forces in the face of the systematic reduction of indigenous rights and the increase in violence against indigenous peoples.
In 2014, the Indigenous School Education Council of Amazonas authorized the operation of the Yanomami Teacher Training Course promoted by Secoya. In 2015, the Amazonas State Department of Education - Seduc, through its Education and Sports Department, awarded the diploma in Indigenous Teaching to 29 Yanomami teachers from the Marauiá River, Preto River and Demini River, whose training took place through 12 sequential courses totaling 3107 hours.
In 2016, Seduc assumed responsibility for 04 Yanomami schools on the Marauiá River, through a partnership with Escola Estadual Pe. José Schneider de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, and Secoya continues to assume responsibility for training Yanomami teachers as well as providing pedagogical support in schools. The project is considered a pilot by SEDUC due to the effectively differentiated character assumed.
In 2020, the schools of Kona and Raita started to be recognized as annex schools of Colégio José Schneider. The project is considered a pilot by SEDUC due to the effectively differentiated character assumed.
Secoya was awarded as representative of the state of Amazonas by Central Única das Favelas - CUFA, with the ANU 2010 award. The ceremony took place at the Municipal Theater of the city of Rio de Janeiro and had the participation of personalities from the political world and Brazilian cultural life.
Secoya's distinctive indigenist and educational work was chosen by the Swiss institution of International Cooperation – Terre des Hommes Suisse to represent the partners of the South, in the March of Hope of October 2014 with the objective of sensitizing the population and children in particular to the reality of the countries of the South.
Secoya currently has the support group Associação Apoio ao Povo Yanomami da Amazônia (AYA), whose mission is to support our actions developed in the Middle Rio Negro region, in the state of Amazonas, as well as to raise awareness among the population in Switzerland about the question of the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon rainforest.
AYA members work on a completely voluntary basis, bridging funds raised to actions in Brazil. She maintains a blog on the “Tribune de Genève”, where she publishes the monthly newsletter (AYA info) that covers important events happening across the entire Brazilian Amazon.
The committee is made up of:
President: Pedro Albajar Vinas
Treasurer: Martin Corminboeuf
Secretary: Luisa Prado
Members: Bernard Comoli, Virginie Estier