Defense of specific rights and citizenship
Secoya prioritizes training the Yanomami as the main actors in the defense of their rights through participation in decision-making processes, becoming aware of, evaluating, planning or intervening in relation to the actions of the state, Secoya or other partners in the indigenous area. Secoya still seeks to help the Yanomami people in the construction of strategies for its medium and long-term future , seeking to reduce the impact of structural imbalances imposed by the surrounding society on the Yanomami culture and way of life.
In this context, we can see the importance of the cognitive process of learning through experimentation, a strong millenary practice in oral societies, reproducing knowledge and acquiring techniques through observation and repetition, the “learning by doing”. This means ensuring the proper interaction between the knowledge that can be passed on by Yanomami holders of this knowledge and considered experienced in the field of xapono (leadership, hekura, etc.) surrounding society.
Indigenous political formation:
Enhance the political and technical capacities of Yanomami intercultural leaders and multiplier agents in Amazonas, providing greater mastery and understanding of the challenges posed in contact with national society.
Indigenous representation:
Support and respond to the demands of the Kurikama Association, and others, in its organizational dynamics as a legitimate representative instance of the Yanomami of the Marauiá and Preto rivers, in their struggle for more coherent rights and public policies;
Strategy development:
To favor the search for articulated solutions and the definition of collective strategies among the Yanomami in the face of the challenges related to ethnic affirmation and violation of their fundamental rights, as well as the sustainable management of their territory.

Indigenous autonomy:
Process of becoming aware of the different and new elements that make up the reality experienced by the people;
Intercultural dialogues:
The training of Yanomami multipliers is based on intercultural dialogue due to their performance in public spaces due to complementary approach of valuing traditional knowledge, is located at the interface with scientific knowledge and technologies derived from national society.
Power restructuring:
The strengthening of the organizational process goes through the collective, breaking with the limits set by the napëpë organizations in the form of the law, especially with regard to power relations and decision-making;
why enable
The current situation of interference and rapid changes in the life of the Yanomami, caused on a large scale by government policy, has as a direct consequence a clear reduction in the population's quality of life, a visible process of sedentarization in the villages, the growing consumption of industrialized products, the growing access to benefits by the state without the proper criteria.
No less important, the exploitation of the semi-slave work force of the Yanomami in the piaçaba extraction process continues, mainly in the Preto and Padauiri rivers, which dates back to the secular model of aviamento and subservience.
The process of training the multipliers advocates reflection processes on the problems faced in the Yanomami territory due to the economic activities that impact the ecosystems, among them, mining, hunting, fishing, as well as the plant extraction of piaçaba. The objective is to build new dynamics that aim to make the population aware of such impacts, through actions with public policies and the development of good practices in territorial management and natural resource management through more collective and participatory dynamics.